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17"W x 11"H Slatwall SignHolder -L

SKU: 450
Availability: Out of stock - on backorder and will be dispatched once in stock ("More on the move", 1-2 Weeks).
$15.29 (USD)

Keep track of student attendance or employee working hours with a 17' wide x 11" high Slatwall Sign Holder - Landscape. The clear and durable acrylic helps protect the sign, keeping the message or image clearly visible. This sign holder can be easily repositioned through out the workplace to optimize visibility.

  • Fits 17"W x 11"H paper.
  • Durable clear acrylic sign.
  • Sign can be loaded from the side or the top of plastic holder.
  • Landscape orientation.
Products specifications
Colour Clear
Edge Finish Matte
Paper Size Tabloid 11 x 17
Orientation Landscape
Placement Slatwall/Slotwall
Material Thickness 0.125"
Material Type Acrylic
Viewing Sides 1 side
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